Hormonal Harmony: A Nutritional Therapist's Guide for Women Aged 25-35

Hormonal Harmony: A Nutritional Therapist's Guide for Women Aged 25-35

Us 20-something/30-something women, navigate a dynamic phase of life where hormonal balance plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. From managing career demands to sustaining a healthy social life, our bodies undergo various changes that can impact hormonal health. In this blog, we'll take you through our top explore insights into achieving and maintaining hormone balance during this period of your life - from the perspective of a Female Health Nutritional Therapist (Jennie here!).

Understanding Hormonal Changes:

The age range of 25-35 marks a significant time for women as hormonal fluctuations continue to shape our bodies. Oestrogen and progesterone levels may vary, influencing menstrual cycles, energy levels, and mood. To support these changes, adopting a holistic approach to nutrition and your lifestyle becomes essential.

Balancing Macronutrients:

  • Healthy Fats:
        • Please don’t fear fat! It’s an awful myth that the 1970’s diet culture instilled in women. When the truth is that healthy fats are SO important for hormonal balance - our hormones are literally made from lipids, so if you don’t eat enough, your body literally won't have enough raw material to make adequate supply of the hormones you need, like progesterone.
        • Incorporate sources of omega-3 fatty acids such as oily fish (salmon, mackerel), flaxseeds, and walnuts. These fats are crucial for hormone production and can support a healthy menstrual cycle by helping to reduce inflammation. They are also rich sources of magnesium, zinc and selenium which have been shown in research to be very beneficial for menstrual cycle health and the promotion of regular ovulation.


  • Protein:
        • Include lean protein sources like poultry, fish, tofu, and legumes. Protein helps regulate blood sugar levels, supporting stable energy throughout the day.
        • Prioritise protein at breakfast, 25-30g is ideal. This could look like protein oats or eggs, turkey bacon and toast. At breakfast you have a unique opportunity to support blood sugar balance for the rest of the day. More balanced blood sugar levels = happier female hormones!

  • Complex Carbohydrates:
        • Opt for whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to provide sustained energy and fibre. Fibre aids in proper digestion and can positively influence hormonal balance.
        • Regular bowel movements are essential for hormone balance as any excess hormones are removed from your body in your stools. If you’re not passing stool at least once daily, you may need to consider increasing your fibre and water intake.

    Micronutrient Rich Foods:

  • Vitamin D:
        • Exposure to sunlight and consumption of vitamin D-rich foods like fatty fish and fortified dairy products can support immune function and hormonal balance.
        • If you live in the northern hemisphere, where we don’t get a lot of sunshine, it’s essential that you supplement with vitamin D in the winter months (October to March). 
  • Magnesium:
        • Incorporate magnesium-rich foods such as leafy greens, nuts, and seeds. Magnesium plays a role in hormone regulation and can contribute to improved sleep quality.
        • Foods rich in B vitamins, such as whole grains, eggs, and dark leafy greens, support energy metabolism and may help alleviate menstrual symptoms.
        • Supplementing with magnesium & B6 has been shown to be highly effective at reducing PMS and other symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Magnesium glycinate is the most optimal form you can take. We have included both magnesium and B6 in our PMS & Hormone Balance Blend - alongside 13 other premium nutrients that support monthly hormonal balance.

    Supporting Gut Health:

  • Probiotics:
        • Include fermented foods like yoghurt, kefir, and sauerkraut to promote a healthy gut microbiome. Gut health is linked to hormonal balance and overall well-being.
  • Fibre:
        • Emphasise fibre-rich foods to support digestive health. A healthy gut contributes to efficient hormone metabolism and elimination.

    Lifestyle Factors:

  • Regular Exercise:
        • Engage in regular physical activity to support overall health and hormone balance. Activities like yoga and strength training can be particularly beneficial. 
        • Opting for lower impact movement like pilates and yoga in your luteal phase (the week leading up to your period) can be very supportive of a more balanced mood and over hormone health due to less cortisol being produced during these forms of exercise versus more high intensity training.
  • Stress Management:
        • Prioritise stress-reducing activities such as meditation, deep breathing, or spending time in nature. Chronic stress can disrupt hormonal balance, so finding effective coping mechanisms is crucial.
  • Adequate Sleep:
        • Ensure you get enough quality sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours per night to support hormonal regulation and overall well-being.

    Navigating the hormonal changes in your 20s and 30s requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just what's on your plate. By incorporating nutrient-dense foods, supporting gut health, and embracing a holistic lifestyle, you can empower yourself to achieve and maintain hormonal harmony so you can live your happiest, most empowered life. 

    Remember, every woman is unique, so listen to your body's signals and make adjustments that work best for you.

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